Slow Viewing

Listen to a brief artist talk about Slow Viewing here.

Listen to an in-depth podcast interview about Slow Viewing here.

Follow Slow Viewing here for all future events.

Monthly Public Program, 2019 - Current

One hour with one work of art once a month at galleries and museums across the Midwest.

Slow Viewing is a gallery-based community program designed to encourage the public to engage deeply with artwork through sustained observation and discussion.  The first half hour is spent in silence, which allows guests to observe the artwork without interruption. The time of silence creates space for introspection and stands antithetical to contemporary fast-paced consumption habits. At the halfway mark, the group shifts into group discussion. Often the conversation erupts with people who are eager to share their interpretations. The artwork becomes a playground where stories are told and connections are made between people who have often not met prior. The artwork and the gathering become a site of possibility.

Special thanks to Springfield Art Museum, Missouri State Univeristy Brick City Galleries, and the Carolla Arts Exhibition Center for housing Slow Viewing over the years. Want to have Slow Viewing at your art viewing site? Contact Shauna at


How We Are Feeling
